Tuesday, 18 June 2013

A Safe Pool Cleaner called Activator D

Activator D once-a-month Swimming Pool Treatment kit.

After using this in my swimming pool for a few years, I found this product to be simply AMAZING... Yes, I'm not even from the salt chlorinator revolution but I am from the elite mineral springs system crowd... yes, literally the most expensive system on the market. Well guess what, I stumbled upon Activator D...It's this amazing product that safely takes your pool from green to sparkling clean without the stress and harsh effects of all those expensive and dangerous chemicals.. Just empty both bottles into your weir once-a-month and enjoy a sparkling clean and healthy pool the year through. ZARands100.00  call us on +27829584866. ZARands 90.00 each for a qty of 10 or more... (buy 9 get 1 FREE!) Price excludes shipping. (Used widely by swimming academies and many schools, private farm dams, dairies, fisheries and agricultural institutions etc.). Lfynn@mweb.co.za

"The product kit comes in two bottles - a powder and a liquid - totalling 850 grams. This is enough for a 50,000 litre pool for one month. It is safe, environmentally friendly, economical and very effective.

A neglected pool will need a double-dose to start off, but this will effectively kill the algae and clear the water in a few days. Black algae will disappear over a few weeks, and should be brushed off the walls. (Chlorine does not kill algae, only bleaches it; this is why during a storm the chlorine is drawn from the water and the algae is once again visible, turning the water green.)

Activator D does not hurt eyes or skin, and swimming costumes last longer. It is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-corrosive and chlorine-free, and pool run-off water should not damage plants."

Contact: +27829584866

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